Tokens for Assign Field Values Activity

The Assign Field Values activity produces the following tokens.

Name Description Sample Syntax*


The ID number of the template assigned to the entry.

Note: This token's value will be -1 if no template is assigned to the document.

Template Name The name of the template assigned to the entry. %(AssignFieldValues_Template Name)
Template_Name The name of the template assigned to the entry. (Legacy format) %(AssignFieldValues_Template_Name)
Parent If an entry and the folder it is in (its parent folder) have the same field, this token represents the field value of the parent folder’s field. The token %(Parent:Fieldname) represents the value of a different parent field. These tokens can only be used with fields. %(Parent)

*The "AssignFieldValues" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Update--HR_Fields, the syntax for the Template_Id token will be %(UpdateHR_Fields_Template_Id).

Note: The legacy format is used with workflows migrated from Workflow 8.0.